Hi All,
Here I write a program for finding country and its phone code using php and jquery.
$countries = array("af" => "Afghanistan", "ax" => "Aland Islands", "al" => "Albania", "dz" => "Algeria", "as" => "American Samoa",
"ad" => "Andorra", "ao" => "Angola", "ai" => "Anguilla", "aq" => "Antarctica", "ag" => "Antigua and Barbuda", "ar" => "Argentina",
"am" => "Armenia", "aw" => "Aruba", "au" => "Australia", "at" => "Austria", "az" => "Azerbaijan", "bs" => "Bahamas", "bh" => "Bahrain",
"bd" => "Bangladesh", "bb" => "Barbados", "by" => "Belarus", "be" => "Belgium", "bz" => "Belize", "bj" => "Benin", "bm" => "Bermuda",
"bt" => "Bhutan", "bo" => "Bolivia", "ba" => "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "bw" => "Botswana", "bv" => "Bouvet Island", "br" => "Brazil",
"io" => "British Indian Ocean Territory", "vg" => "British Virgin Islands", "bn" => "Brunei", "bg" => "Bulgaria",
"bf" => "Burkina Faso", "bi" => "Burundi", "kh" => "Cambodia", "cm" => "Cameroon", "ca" => "Canada", "cv" => "Cape Verde",
"ky" => "Cayman Islands", "cf" => "Central African Republic", "td" => "Chad", "cl" => "Chile", "cn" => "China",
"cx" => "Christmas Island", "cc" => "Cocos Island", "co" => "Colombia", "km" => "Comoros", "cg" => "Congo",
"cd" => "Congo, Democratic Republic of", "ck" => "Cook Islands", "cr" => "Costa Rica", "ci" => "Côte d'Ivoire",
"hr" => "Croatia", "cu" => "Cuba", "cy" => "Cyprus", "cz" => "Czech Republic", "dk" => "Denmark", "xx" => "Disputed Territory",
"dj" => "Djibouti", "dm" => "Dominica", "do" => "Dominican Republic", "ec" => "Ecuador", "eg" => "Egypt", "sv" => "El Salvador",
"gq" => "Equatorial Guinea", "er" => "Eritrea", "ee" => "Estonia", "et" => "Ethiopia", "fk" => "Falkland Islands",
"fo" => "Faroe Islands", "fj" => "Fiji", "fi" => "Finland", "fr" => "France", "gf" => "French Guiana", "pf" => "French Polynesia",
"tf" => "French Southern Territories", "ga" => "Gabon", "gm" => "Gambia", "ge" => "Georgia", "de" => "Germany", "gh" => "Ghana",
"gi" => "Gibraltar", "gr" => "Greece", "gl" => "Greenland", "gd" => "Grenada", "gp" => "Guadeloupe", "gu" => "Guam", "gt" => "Guatemala",
"gg" => "Guernsey", "gn" => "Guinea", "gw" => "Guinea-Bissau", "gy" => "Guyana", "ht" => "Haiti",
"hm" => "Heard Islands and McDonald Islands", "hn" => "Honduras", "hk" => "Hong Kong", "hu" => "Hungary", "is" => "Iceland",
"in" => "India", "id" => "Indonesia", "ir" => "Iran", "iq" => "Iraq", "xe" => "Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone", "ie" => "Ireland",
"im" => "Isle of Man", "il" => "Israel", "it" => "Italy", "ci" => "Ivory Coast", "jm" => "Jamaica", "jp" => "Japan", "je" => "Jersey",
"jo" => "Jordan", "kz" => "Kazakhstan", "ke" => "Kenya", "ki" => "Kiribati", "kw" => "Kuwait", "kg" => "Kyrgyzstan", "la" => "Laos",
"lv" => "Latvia", "lb" => "Lebanon", "ls" => "Lesotho", "lr" => "Liberia", "ly" => "Libya", "li" => "Liechtenstein", "lt" => "Lithuania",
"lu" => "Luxembourg", "mo" => "Macao", "mk" => "Macedonia", "mg" => "Madagascar", "mw" => "Malawi", "my" => "Malaysia", "mv" => "Maldives",
"ml" => "Mali", "mt" => "Malta", "mh" => "Marshall Islands", "mg" => "Martinique", "mr" => "Mauritania", "mu" => "Mauritius",
"yt" => "Mayotte", "mx" => "Mexico", "fm" => "Micronesia", "md" => "Moldova", "mc" => "Monaco", "mn" => "Mongolia", "me" => "Montenegro",
"ms" => "Montserrat", "ma" => "Morocco", "mz" => "Mozambique", "mm" => "Myanmar", "na" => "Namibia", "nr" => "Nauru", "np" => "Nepal",
"nl" => "Netherlands", "an" => "Netherlands Antilles", "nc" => "New Caledonia", "nz" => "New Zealand", "ni" => "Nicaragua",
"ne" => "Niger", "ng" => "Nigeria", "nu" => "Niue", "nf" => "Norfolk Island", "mp" => "Northern Mariana Islands", "kp" => "North Korea",
"no" => "Norway", "om" => "Oman", "pk" => "Pakistan", "pw" => "Palau", "ps" => "Palestinian Territory", "pa" => "Panama",
"pg" => "Papua New Guinea", "py" => "Paraguay", "pe" => "Peru", "ph" => "Philippines", "pn" => "Pitcairn Islands", "pl" => "Poland",
"pt" => "Portugal", "pr" => "Puerto Rico", "qa" => "Qatar", "re" => "Reunion", "ro" => "Romania", "ru" => "Russia", "rw" => "Rwanda",
"sh" => "Saint Helena", "kn" => "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "lc" => "Sant Lucia", "pm" => "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"vc" => "Sant Vincent and the Grenadines", "ws" => "Samoa", "sm" => "San Marino",
"st" => "Sãp Tomé and Príncipe", "sa" => "Saudi Arabia", "sn" => "Senegal", "rs" => "Serbia",
"cs" => "Serbia and Montenegro", "sc" => "Seychelles", "sl" => "Sierra Leone", "sg" => "Singapore", "sk" => "Slovakia",
"si" => "Slovenia", "sb" => "Solomon Islands", "so" => "Somalia", "za" => "South Africa",
"gs" => "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "kr" => "South Korea", "es" => "Spain", "lk" => "Sri Lanka", "sd" => "Sudan",
"sr" => "Suriname", "sj" => "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands", "sz" => "Swaziland", "se" => "Sweden", "ch" => "Switzerland",
"sy" => "Syria", "tw" => "Taiwan", "tj" => "Tajikistan", "tz" => "Tanzania", "th" => "Thailand", "tl" => "Timor-Leste", "tg" => "Togo",
"tk" => "Tokelau", "to" => "Tonga", "tt" => "Trinidad and Tobago", "tn" => "Tunisia", "tr" => "Turkey", "tm" => "Turkmenistan",
"tc" => "Turks and Caicos Islands", "tv" => "Tuvalu", "ug" => "Uganda", "ua" => "Ukraine", "ae" => "United Arab Emirates",
"uk" => "United Kingdom", "xd" => "United Nations Neutral Zone", "us" => "United States",
"um" => "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "vi" => "U.S. Virgin Islands", "uy" => "Uruguay", "uz" => "Uzbekistan",
"vu" => "Vanuatu", "va" => "Vatican City", "ve" => "Venezuela", "vn" => "Vietnam", "wf" => "Wallis and Futuna Islands",
"eh" => "Western Sahara", "ye" => "Yemen", "zm" => "Zambia", "zw" => "Zimbabwe");
var countryCodeList = new Array();
countryCodeList['AX'] = '358';
countryCodeList['AF'] = '93';
countryCodeList['AL'] = '355';
countryCodeList['DZ'] = '213';
countryCodeList['AS'] = '684';
countryCodeList['AD'] = '376';
countryCodeList['AO'] = '244';
countryCodeList['AI'] = '1';
countryCodeList['AQ'] = '672';
countryCodeList['AG'] = '1';
countryCodeList['AR'] = '54';
countryCodeList['AM'] = '374';
countryCodeList['AW'] = '297';
countryCodeList['AU'] = '61';
countryCodeList['AT'] = '43';
countryCodeList['AZ'] = '994';
countryCodeList['BS'] = '1';
countryCodeList['BH'] = '973';
countryCodeList['BD'] = '880';
countryCodeList['BB'] = '1';
countryCodeList['BY'] = '375';
countryCodeList['BE'] = '32';
countryCodeList['BZ'] = '501';
countryCodeList['BJ'] = '229';
countryCodeList['BM'] = '1';
countryCodeList['BT'] = '975';
countryCodeList['BO'] = '591';
countryCodeList['BA'] = '387';
countryCodeList['BW'] = '267';
countryCodeList['BV'] = '47';
countryCodeList['BR'] = '55';
countryCodeList['IO'] = '246';
countryCodeList['BN'] = '673';
countryCodeList['BG'] = '359';
countryCodeList['BF'] = '226';
countryCodeList['BI'] = '257';
countryCodeList['KH'] = '855';
countryCodeList['CM'] = '237';
countryCodeList['CA'] = '1';
countryCodeList[''] = '238';
countryCodeList['KY'] = '1';
countryCodeList['CF'] = '236';
countryCodeList['TD'] = '235';
countryCodeList['CL'] = '56';
countryCodeList['CN'] = '86';
countryCodeList['CX'] = '';
countryCodeList['CC'] = '';
countryCodeList['CO'] = '57';
countryCodeList['KM'] = '269';
countryCodeList['CG'] = '242';
countryCodeList['CD'] = '243';
countryCodeList['CK'] = '682';
countryCodeList['CR'] = '506';
countryCodeList['CI'] = '225';
countryCodeList['HR'] = '385';
countryCodeList['CU'] = '53';
countryCodeList['CY'] = '357';
countryCodeList['CZ'] = '420';
countryCodeList['DK'] = '45';
countryCodeList['DJ'] = '253';
countryCodeList['DM'] = '1';
countryCodeList['DO'] = '1';
countryCodeList['EC'] = '593';
countryCodeList['EG'] = '20';
countryCodeList['SV'] = '503';
countryCodeList['GQ'] = '240';
countryCodeList['ER'] = '291';
countryCodeList['EE'] = '201';
countryCodeList['ET'] = '251';
countryCodeList['FK'] = '500';
countryCodeList['FO'] = '298';
countryCodeList['FJ'] = '679';
countryCodeList['FI'] = '358';
countryCodeList['FR'] = '33';
countryCodeList['FX'] = '33';
countryCodeList['GF'] = '594';
countryCodeList['PF'] = '689';
countryCodeList['TF'] = '33';
countryCodeList['GA'] = '241';
countryCodeList['GM'] = '220';
countryCodeList['GE'] = '995';
countryCodeList['DE'] = '49';
countryCodeList['GG'] = '44';
countryCodeList['GH'] = '233';
countryCodeList['GI'] = '350';
countryCodeList['GR'] = '30';
countryCodeList['GL'] = '299';
countryCodeList['GD'] = '1';
countryCodeList['GP'] = '590';
countryCodeList['GU'] = '1';
countryCodeList['GT'] = '502';
countryCodeList['GN'] = '224';
countryCodeList['GW'] = '245';
countryCodeList['GY'] = '592';
countryCodeList['HT'] = '509';
countryCodeList['HM'] = '1';
countryCodeList['HN'] = '504';
countryCodeList['HK'] = '852';
countryCodeList['HU'] = '36';
countryCodeList['IS'] = '354';
countryCodeList['IN'] = '91';
countryCodeList['ID'] = '62';
countryCodeList['IR'] = '98';
countryCodeList['IQ'] = '964';
countryCodeList['IE'] = '353';
countryCodeList['IL'] = '972';
countryCodeList['IT'] = '39';
countryCodeList['JM'] = '1';
countryCodeList['JP'] = '81';
countryCodeList['JO'] = '962';
countryCodeList['KZ'] = '7';
countryCodeList['KE'] = '254';
countryCodeList['KI'] = '686';
countryCodeList['KR'] = '82';
countryCodeList['KP'] = '850';
countryCodeList['KW'] = '965';
countryCodeList['KG'] = '996';
countryCodeList['LA'] = '856';
countryCodeList['LV'] = '371';
countryCodeList['LB'] = '961';
countryCodeList['LS'] = '266';
countryCodeList['LR'] = '231';
countryCodeList['LY'] = '218';
countryCodeList['LI'] = '423';
countryCodeList['LT'] = '370';
countryCodeList['LU'] = '352';
countryCodeList['MO'] = '853';
countryCodeList['MK'] = '389';
countryCodeList['MG'] = '261';
countryCodeList['MW'] = '265';
countryCodeList['MY'] = '60';
countryCodeList['MV'] = '960';
countryCodeList['ML'] = '223';
countryCodeList['MT'] = '356';
countryCodeList['MH'] = '692';
countryCodeList['MQ'] = '596';
countryCodeList['MR'] = '222';
countryCodeList['MU'] = '230';
countryCodeList['YT'] = '269';
countryCodeList['MX'] = '52';
countryCodeList['FM'] = '691';
countryCodeList['MD'] = '373';
countryCodeList['MC'] = '377';
countryCodeList['MN'] = '976';
countryCodeList['ME'] = '382';
countryCodeList['MS'] = '1';
countryCodeList['MA'] = '212';
countryCodeList['MZ'] = '258';
countryCodeList['MM'] = '95';
countryCodeList['NA'] = '264';
countryCodeList['NR'] = '674';
countryCodeList['NP'] = '977';
countryCodeList['NL'] = '31';
countryCodeList['AN'] = '599';
countryCodeList['NC'] = '687';
countryCodeList['NZ'] = '64';
countryCodeList['NI'] = '505';
countryCodeList['NE'] = '227';
countryCodeList['NG'] = '234';
countryCodeList['NU'] = '683';
countryCodeList['NF'] = '6723';
countryCodeList['MP'] = '1';
countryCodeList['NO'] = '47';
countryCodeList['OM'] = '968';
countryCodeList['PK'] = '92';
countryCodeList['PW'] = '680';
countryCodeList['PS'] = '970';
countryCodeList['PA'] = '507';
countryCodeList['PG'] = '675';
countryCodeList['PY'] = '595';
countryCodeList['PE'] = '51';
countryCodeList['PH'] = '63';
countryCodeList['PN'] = '870';
countryCodeList['PL'] = '48';
countryCodeList['PT'] = '351';
countryCodeList['PR'] = '1';
countryCodeList['QA'] = '974';
countryCodeList['RE'] = '262';
countryCodeList['RO'] = '40';
countryCodeList['RU'] = '7';
countryCodeList['RW'] = '250';
countryCodeList['SH'] = '290';
countryCodeList['KN'] = '1';
countryCodeList['LC'] = '1';
countryCodeList['PM'] = '508';
countryCodeList['VC'] = '1';
countryCodeList['WS'] = '685';
countryCodeList['SM'] = '378';
countryCodeList['ST'] = '239';
countryCodeList['SA'] = '966';
countryCodeList['SN'] = '221';
countryCodeList['RS'] = '381';
countryCodeList['SC'] = '248';
countryCodeList['SL'] = '232';
countryCodeList['SG'] = '65';
countryCodeList['SK'] = '421';
countryCodeList['SI'] = '386';
countryCodeList['SB'] = '677';
countryCodeList['SO'] = '252';
countryCodeList['ZA'] = '27';
countryCodeList['GS'] = '44';
countryCodeList['ES'] = '34';
countryCodeList['LK'] = '94';
countryCodeList['SD'] = '249';
countryCodeList['SR'] = '597';
countryCodeList['SJ'] = '79';
countryCodeList['SZ'] = '268';
countryCodeList['SE'] = '46';
countryCodeList['CH'] = '41';
countryCodeList['SY'] = '963';
countryCodeList['TW'] = '886';
countryCodeList['TJ'] = '992';
countryCodeList['TZ'] = '255';
countryCodeList['TH'] = '66';
countryCodeList['TL'] = '670';
countryCodeList['TG'] = '228';
countryCodeList['TK'] = '690';
countryCodeList['TO'] = '676';
countryCodeList['TT'] = '1';
countryCodeList['TN'] = '216';
countryCodeList['TR'] = '90';
countryCodeList['TM'] = '993';
countryCodeList['TC'] = '1';
countryCodeList['TV'] = '688';
countryCodeList['UG'] = '256';
countryCodeList['UA'] = '380';
countryCodeList['AE'] = '971';
countryCodeList['GB'] = '44';
countryCodeList['US'] = '1';
countryCodeList['UM'] = '1';
countryCodeList['UY'] = '598';
countryCodeList['UZ'] = '998';
countryCodeList['VU'] = '678';
countryCodeList['VA'] = '39';
countryCodeList['VE'] = '58';
countryCodeList['VN'] = '84';
countryCodeList['VG'] = '1284';
countryCodeList['VI'] = '1340';
countryCodeList['WF'] = '681';
countryCodeList['EH'] = '212';
countryCodeList['YE'] = '967';
countryCodeList['ZM'] = '260';
countryCodeList['ZW'] = '263';
function change_country(countrycode)
if (countrycode !== "")
countrycode = countrycode.toUpperCase();
var country = countryCodeList[countrycode];
document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = country;
return false;
<!-- Code for display the Country and its Phone code -->
<span style="background-color:#F4FA58;color:#0101DF;">
Country Name:
<select name=country id=country onchange='change_country(this.value);'>"; ?>
<option value="select" selected>select</option>
foreach ($countries as $code => $name) {
echo "<option value=\"$code\">$name</option>\n";
<div style="font-family:verdana;padding:20px 250px 0px 20px;border-radius:10px;border:10px solid #EE872A;">
and also it's phone code
<span style="background-color:#F4FA58;color:#0101DF;">
<label name="msg" id="msg"></label>