Tuesday, May 22

Very Simple way to find a given string is Palindrome or NOT.

Hi All,
Here  i have added the simple way to find a Palindrome using String Function.


// Palindrome using String function

$str = "1441";

$str1 = "12521";

$str2 = "MALAYALAM";

$str3 = "Game";

$strrev = strrev($str2);
if($str2 === $strrev){
echo $strrev ." is Palindrome"."</br>";
echo $str2. " Not a Palindrome"."</br>";

$strrev1 = strrev($str1);
if($str1 === $strrev1){
echo $strrev1 ." is Palindrome"."</br>";
echo $str1. " Not a Palindrome"."</br>";

$strrev2 = strrev($str);
if($str === $strrev2){
echo $strrev2 ." is Palindrome"."</br>";
echo $str. " Not a Palindrome"."</br>";

$strrev3 = strrev($str3);
if($str3 === $strrev3){
echo $strrev3." is Palindrome"."</br>";
echo $str3. " Not a Palindrome"."</br>";


MALAYALAM is Palindrome
12521 is Palindrome
1441 is Palindrome

Game Not a Palindrome

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