Thursday, April 6

What is a stored procedure in MySQL? What to do with it.

 Dear All,

A stored procedure in MySQL is a set of SQL statements that are stored in the database and can be executed later as a single unit. Stored procedures can help improve database performance by reducing network traffic, as well as enhancing security by allowing access to the database through procedures instead of directly executing SQL queries.

To create a stored procedure in MySQL, you can use the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, followed by the procedure name and the SQL statements that make up the procedure. The syntax for creating a stored procedure in MySQL is as follows:

Format 1:

CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name (IN parameter_name datatype, OUT parameter_name datatype, INOUT parameter_name datatype)


    -- SQL statements


Format 2:

CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name ([IN | OUT | INOUT] parameter_name data_type)


   -- SQL statements here


The IN keyword is used to specify input parameters, the OUT keyword is used to specify output parameters, and the INOUT keyword is used to specify input/output parameters. You can specify one or more parameters, separated by commas.

Here is an example of a stored procedure that accepts an IN parameter and returns a result set:

CREATE PROCEDURE get_customer_orders(IN customer_id INT)


   SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customer_id = customer_id;


Once you have created a stored procedure, you can execute it using the CALL statement, followed by the procedure name and any input parameters. The syntax for calling a stored procedure in MySQL is as follows:

CALL procedure_name(input_parameter);

Here is an example of calling the get_customer_orders stored procedure:

CALL get_customer_orders(123);

This will return all the orders for the customer with the ID of 123.

In the procedure body, you can use various SQL statements such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and so on to perform various database operations. You can also use control structures such as IF, WHILE, and FOR to control the flow of the procedure.

Stored procedures can also have exception handling using the DECLARE HANDLER statement to catch and handle errors.

Overall, stored procedures provide a powerful mechanism for encapsulating SQL logic in the database itself and reducing the amount of code that needs to be written in the application layer.

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